CLAIRE ENVIRO SERVICES Consultants & Project Managers
CLAIRE ENVIRO SERVICES Consultants & Project Managers
Prior to a renovation or demolition, we collect samples at critical locations within a client's building(s). They are analyzed by an independent lab to determine their hazardous content. Clients also receive a detailed report as a baseline reference for making decisions.
We monitor air quality in residential and commercial buildings. This is normally done prior to a project start-up, throughout the duration of the project, and upon completion. The final clearance analysis is completed by an independent laboratory.
We can supervise our contractor(s) to ensure health and safety regulatory compliance and improved operating efficiencies. For a project to receive final clearance, air quality standards must be met with no residue left in the home or commercial building.
An important step for anyone making future plans including investors. When financing or purchasing a residential or commercial property, a hazardous material survey can provide critical information to ensure the transaction is priced fairly without unexpected and costly surprises.
A risk assessment is directly related to the health and well-being of people within a building. A home or workplace should be examined to determine if there is any health risk, and graded as to whether it is "high, medium or low". An assessment is another vital tool used to determine the safety of residents and employees.
Knowing you do have hazardous containing materials in your building, a plan should be developed and incorporated into a health and safety policy, communicated to everyone affected, and enforced. A Health and Safety priority for both small and large companies. We assist corporations with updating their Safety Policies.
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Asbestos & Mould Experts
Michael Humphrey
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Clalre Environmental Inc.